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Services for owners

Everything you need to know if you want to book a behaviour or training consultation

Dog Behaviour Consultation


In-person canine behaviour consultations can be carried out in the areas of Surrey, East Sussex and West Sussex.

Virtual consultations, there are no geographical restrictions for anyone wanting a virtual consultation

What is included?

The total cost for a dog behaviour consultation includes:

  • Pre-consultation information gathering

  • Either an in-person consultation (approx. 90 minutes) or a virtual consultation (approx. 55 minutes)

  • A written behaviour modification plan following the consultation detailing everything discussed and what actions you need to take moving forward.

  • Continued support via email

  • A follow-up session (approx. 45 minutes)

What behaviour issues do I work with?

The list below are common behaviour issues that I work with, but it is not the complete list, should you want support for an issue not listed below, please contact me and we can discuss.

  • Resource guarding

  • Lead reactivity to dogs

  • Lead reactivity to people, traffic or other stimuli

  • Unwanted responses to visitors

  • Handling & Vet Handling Issues

  • Muzzle Training

  • Dogs that are fearful of car travel

  • Destruction/Frustration/Hyper-activity

  • Stereotypic/Abnormal Repetitive Behaviours

What is the cost?

In-person behaviour consultations for a dog range between £135-£185. Not all behaviour problems require the same amount of work or carry the same amount of risk. I have a dynamic pricing structure to better reflect this rather than a one size fits all approach. 

Virtual behaviour consultations for a dog range between £60-£75.

Cat Behaviour Consultation


In-person feline behaviour consultations can be carried out in the areas of Surrey, East Sussex and West Sussex.

Virtual consultations, there are no geographical restrictions for anyone wanting a virtual consultation

What is included?

The total cost for a cat behaviour consultation includes:

  • Pre-consultation information gathering

  • Either an in-person consultation (approx. 90 minutes) or a virtual consultation (approx. 55 minutes)

  • A written behaviour modification plan following the consultation detailing everything discussed and what actions you need to take moving forward.

  • Continued support via email

  • A follow-up session (approx. 45 minutes)

What behaviour issues do I work with?

The list below are common behaviour issues that I work with, but it is not the complete list, should you want support for an issue not listed below, please contact me and we can discuss.

  • Inappropriate toileting (urinating or defecating outside of the litter tray)

  • Inter-cat issues/Inter-cat aggression

  • Aggressive-type behaviours towards people

  • Over-grooming

  • Fearful/Hiding cats

  • Vocalisation & Night-time waking

  • Excessive food seeking behaviours

  • Scratching/Frustration/Hyper-activity

  • Stereotypic/Abnormal Repetitive Behaviours

What is the cost?

In-person behaviour consultations for a cat ranges between £105-£145. Not all behaviour problems require the same amount of work or carry the same amount of risk. I have a dynamic pricing structure to better reflect this rather than a one size fits all approach. 

Virtual behaviour consultations for a cat range between £55-£65. 

1-2-1 Training Session


1-2-1 training sessions can be carried out in the areas of Surrey, East Sussex and West Sussex. These sessions are carried out in your home or local park, depending on what is being trained.

What is included?

The total cost for 1-2-1 dog training includes:

  • Expert training using modern, positive, evidence based training methods.

  • 50 minute training session covering the theory and practical aspects of training so you can train your dog.

  • Focus on what specific behaviour or behaviours you want to train.

  • Virtual support following the training session

What training can I help with?

Pretty much everywhere. From basic obedience & training to more complex trick training. The list below are common behaviours that I help train, but it is not the complete list, should you want support for training something that is not listed below, please contact me.

  • Sit/Down

  • Loose-Lead Walking

  • Recall

  • Wait/Stay

  • Settle Training

  • Leave Training

  • Targeting behaviours

  • Husbandry training

What is the cost?

A one off training session costs £55. A package of 3 training sessions can be bought for £110

Pre-Adoption/Pre-purchase Consultation 

The easiest way to solve a behaviour problem is to prevent it happening in the first instance. Whether you are about to be a first time cat or dog owner, or you just want a refresher on how best to care for your new family member, this session is the best way to set you and your pet up to succeed. This session will cover everything you need to ensure you are best meeting the behaviour and welfare needs of your pet from the get-go. Sessions are tailored dependent on the species, age of the animal you are bringing home, their history and your home environment. 


These sessions are carried out virtually so are accessible to people all over the world

What is included?

45-60 minute taught session about how best to set your puppy, kitten, dog or cat up to succeed

This can be before you bring your new family member home or in the first few months.

All information within these session with be the most up-to-date, evidence based information that we have available to ensure our pets start off on the right paw.​ Follow up notes and slides will be provided after the session

What is the cost?

This one off session costs £35.

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